- The prenatal period. It is from conception to birth. During this period all the parts of the human body such as the internal organs, skeletal bones, flesh, etc. are formed. the inherited characteristics from the parents are also imparted to the child during its period.
- The period of infancy or babyhood. This is from birth to two years. Basic physical and physiological behavior patterns begin to develop such as rolling, crawling, sitting, standing, walking, talking, laughing, taking solid foods, controlling the elimination of wastes learning sex differences, relating to emotionally to parents, kin’s and other others and the like. The baby begins to learn the rudiments of right and wrong. This is also the oral stage when the child enjoys sucking his fingers and toes and usually puts into his mouth anything he happens to take hold of. Usually, the child uses tantrums to call attention. Baby teeth are already out at the end of this period.
- Early childhood. This is from two to six years. this is the pre-school age although some parents are already taking their children to kindergarten. This is the exploratory and inquisitive period. The child wants to explore any place or anything he can reach and asks to many questions. The child begins to learn some social relationships and mixes and plays with children of his age group. He also learns some physical and manual skills. The child also enjoys playing with his sex organs. He continues to learn what is right and what is wrong. At about the end of the period, the child can walk and run with steadiness, talk understandably, follow simple directions, and take a bath and dress by himself alone.
- Late childhood. This is from size six to seven years to eleven or twelve years. This is the elementary school period. The child learns some manual skills taught at home and in school. He learns things taught in school. He joins peer groups. He further learns what is right and wrong and how to relate himself to others .But he also becomes critical of others. He begins to be interested in the opposite sex.
- Puberty stage. Starts at about twelve to thirteen to fourteen or fifteen years. At this stage the urge of sex begins to assert itself very rapidly. In fact man is already capable of procreation. Physical and physiological changes in both sexes take place very fast. Boys begin to grow their pubic hair, growth of the breasts of girls becomes more marked, and the boys begin to grow hair in their arms and legs. The growth of height and weight is also rapid. The girls start having their monthly period. Some girls start earlier. This is in the early high school years.
- Early adolescence. This is the period from puberty to seventeen years old. This is the late high school period. Rapid sex maturation occurs. In fact, some young people get married at this stage. Voice, feeling, and thinking continue changing. The youth continue their studies and now develop their life ambitions and aspirations.
- Late adolescence. This is from eighteen to twenty one years. The process of development continues .The youth in college are now preparing for their professional or vocational careers and those out of schools are entering or finding jobs in preparations for an independent life. Development of intellectual and social skills continues.
- Early adulthood. This is from twenty-one to forty years. New life adjustments occur such as courtships and marriage, parenthood, employment, recreational hobby, religious affiliation, which may occur earlier, joining clubs and years of achievement. Higher studies may be pursued. This is the start of the productive years.
- Middle age. This period is from forty to sixty-five years. man or woman have achieved most of his or her aspirations in life such as a well established home and family, stable and lucrative employment or businesses, creative achievement, political achievement. Is also the time for the preparation of retirement? Some physical, physiological functioning begin to decrease and deteriorate.
- Old age. Starts at age of sixty five. period of retirement Painful adjustments have to made to meet some an avoidable circumstance such as death of spouse, solitudes children now have their own family, inadequate financial resources. Inability to perform home chores more efficiently, unpleasant relationships with kin and neighbors.
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